In 2024, SEOs that harness AI tools to craft personalized and unique content strategies will surge ahead. We will continue to see highly targeted, niche websites climb higher and faster on Google than those with a broader focus. 

AI-powered data-provisioning tools offer deeper insights than ever before, offering more nuanced content-tailoring opportunities. We can employ more sensitivity to the needs and habits of our audiences, creating content that connects. In turn, website visitors will increasingly come to expect more out of every click, compounding the need for businesses to cater to a select audience.

These are 10 potentially game-changing strategies our team has identified as ways to stay ahead of SEO trends in 2024.

1. Embrace AI Tools

adapting to AI in 2024

In 2024, the use of AI technologies is becoming more integral to SEO. Since the launch of ChatGPT, the integration of AI into our SEO practices has become not just an advantage but a necessity for staying competitive. Your website is falling behind if you or your SEO agency is not leveraging AI tools for keyword research, content structure and analysis, and optimizing for user intent.

Have you tried using ChatGPT to create images? There’s still much room for improvement, but the initial results are fresh and entertaining. The image above was created using ChatGPT4, prompted with: “create an image of someone adapting to AI”. It’s the speediest way to incorporate original artwork (Google-preferred) into your pages to tickle the imagination and stimulate engagement. 

Practically speaking, no matter your industry, we should all be either trying out or practicing on at least one AI tool every day. As a growing agency, we continue leveraging AI tools, softwares, and plugins as a mercurial hedge, reducing the need for additional employee hires and outsourcing. 

2. Natural Communication And Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is on the rise. It’s a good idea to make sure your content is ready for it. Optimize your content for conversational keywords and FAQs to align with the natural language processing capabilities of smart speakers and virtual assistants. Think about how you ask Siri or Alexa for help and use that kind of conversational language in your content. For example, instead of saying ‘improve my websites SEO,’ you might say ‘How can I make my website show up on the first page of Google?’

3. E-E-A-T Principle (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Google’s E-A-T principle of 2014 was upgraded in December of 2022 to include an extra “E” for Experience. Essentially, this means to showcase your expertise and credibility through quality content, credentials, and reliable sources. As this principle continues to get adopted, more and more websites will find themselves falling behind. In 2023 it became a standard technical SEO practice to include website schema, such the author and the publish/modification date of your website pages and posts. We recommend installing the AIOSEO or Rank Math plugin for WordPress, both of which offer schema settings. Digging in deeper to EEAT:

    • Experience: Highlight your real-world involvement and hands-on expertise. Share stories of how you’ve applied your knowledge in practical settings, tackled challenges, and achieved results. This aspect involves showing that you don’t just know the theory but have successfully put it into practice.

    • Expertise: Offer detailed insights, advanced tips, and comprehensive guides that reflect your thorough grasp of the subject. Your content should ooze passion and in-depth knowledge that sets you apart as an expert.

    • Authoritativeness: Establish yourself as a leading voice in your industry. Gain endorsements from respected figures, gather positive reviews, and be cited by authoritative sources. Display your qualifications and accolades to reinforce your position as a credible authority.

    • Trustworthiness: Build confidence in your audience by being transparent and reliable. Secure your website with HTTPS, disclose authorship, and support your claims with evidence from trusted sources. Honesty and clarity in your content develops trust.

    • Make Joyful Content: Create an enjoyable experience for your visitors. Ensure your content is well-researched, engaging, and directly relevant to your audience. Regular updates can keep your content fresh and maintain its relevance over time.

4. Local SEO 

Local SEO remains a key player. Stay active on your Google Business Profile by checking in at least once per week to add a new video, photo, news, or update about your company. Most of the small business websites we run into still have yet to employ City Landing Pages in order to be found by a wider local audience. Optimize for local search with specific localized content and a consistently updated Google Business Profile listing.

SEO Trend, 2024:

If there’s a popular annual festival or a significant local event, create content that ties your business to it. This could be a blog post, a social media update, or even a special promotion. Not only does this increase your relevance in local search results, but it also shows your engagement with the community, building brand trust. 

5. User Experience (UX) Optimization


website speed

UX is a critical ranking factor. Ensure your site has fast load times, an intuitive layout, and easily digestible content to boost both SEO and user satisfaction. How do I check my site speed? Use the Google page speed checker.

SEO Trend, 2024:

We recently increased the page loading speed of all our WordPress client websites by an unbelievable 30-50%. We did this by adding the Seraphinite Accelerator plugin (no affiliation). Watch step-by-step installations instructions here:

6. Video Content for Enhanced Engagement

The longer visitors stay on your website (less bouncy-bounce), the more Google will prefer to show your page. Video content is a powerful tool for engagement and SEO. Utilize platforms like YouTube to boost visibility, and consider embedding videos in your web content for increased dwell time. If you do not make your own videos, then post the videos of others like we did above. Helpful content is good for SEO, no matter where it comes from.

7. Long-form content:

Long-form content (2,500 words +) not only provides the potential to rank for more keywords, but also increases the likelihood of backlinks and shares. Aim for comprehensive, well-researched articles that cover topics extensively.

Don’t forget: despite being lengthy, your content should be easy to navigate. Use subheadings, bullet points, and infographics to break down complex information. This makes it more digestible and engaging for readers.

8. Sustainable Link Building Strategies

Regularly building high-quality links to your website is still going to be important for SEO in 2024. Focus on sustainable link-building through guest blogging, collaborations, and creating shareable content.  

9. Mobile-First Indexing Is Standard

With mobile devices continuing to dominate internet searches, Google’s mobile-first indexing remains high-priority. Google wants to serve its users a good experience. So make sure your website is fully optimized for mobile viewing and interaction. Your credibility will rise, along with your Google rankings.

SEO Trend, 2024:

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly using the Mobile Simulator Chrome Extension. 

10. Keeping Up with Algorithm Updates

Lastly, stay informed about the latest Google algorithm updates. SEO is an ever-evolving field, and staying current is key to maintaining and improving your rankings. This is always going to involve some type of technical tweaking and content refreshment to your blogs, pages, and profiles. How to keep informed? Sign up for Google Alerts.


Staying ahead of the SEO trends for 2024 requires a commitment to content excellence and continually embracing the latest technological advancements. Implement these 10 strategies, and your website will not only rank well, but deliver high value to your audience, strengthening your digital foundation for long-term success.

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